The time I told the head of Chechnya’s police force that I’m gay
Inside Chechnya’s ‘Gay Purge’
Italy’s Coronavirus Fight
Italy is the soldier returning from war, not running from the train as fast as possible, but walking slowly and slightly unsteadily -- as though shell-shocked -- back into the light.
Foreign ISIS wives in Syria wait for resolution
The Kurds are now left in a cruel limbo: guarding their own tormentors, while the international community turns a blind eye
Inside a Belgian ICU
What it was like in the epicentre of Europe’s second wave of Covid-19
Reporting on Coronavirus around the world
What I learnt from the 11 countries I visited while the world was locked down
Tagging humpback whales in Antarctica
A story of survival for us all
The last ISIS families to leave Baghouz
I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.
Horror and Failure in Sri Lanka
The Easter Day terror attacks in Sri Lanka were made all the more horrific when it became clear they were totally preventable
Mental Health and my family
What it was like losing my father to suicide
An unexpected find in New Zealand
Rediscovering my family history
With US troops in Syria after President Trump’s partial withdrawal
Kurdish families hope the US will not desert them again
Meeting Huda Muthana - the US ISIS bride in Syria
My impressions of a young woman who joined the world’s most brutal terror group
Greece’s Coronavirus success
Unlikely underdog Greece is beating coronavirus. But like all ancient heroes, the test isn’t over.
Mount Everest
The story behind the long lines that left some climbers dead at the peak
Mr Pineapple
Why they call me Mr Pineapple in Thailand
What it’s like in the Venice flood
Climate change might also be a convenient excuse to frame the flood problem as an inevitability, when, in fact, people here are angry with their politicians for the delays to Venice’s one hope: The Mose Project
Hong Kong protests
It’s quite a thing to see youngsters being tear gassed. Some as young as 15 struggling to breathe around us, crying from the shock of what I imagine was their first experience of such force."
On a Papal tour to Bangladesh and Myanmar
What its like being on tour with the Pope
Indonesia’s earthquake and tsunami
It’s like there’s a power switch in Palu and someone’s flicked it off
The UK’s ‘disinformation election’
Why should the U.S. care about the UK’s general election?
Answer: because three years after a Brexit campaign bursting with half-truths, exaggeration and just outright lies, it seems the U.K. has not learned its lesson.
With Meghan and Harry on tour in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
What it’s like to travel with a celebrity royal couple
South Africa’s drought
The water shortage in Cape Town feels apocalyptic
ABC Pride: My coming out story
I could never imagine then, the life that I have now